Study Advice - Working in the UK

Study Advice - Working in the UK

International students pursuing a course lasting for six months or above can work part-time and full-time during their study in UK.

Students with a Tier 4(General) visa studying at degree level or above (or a Foundation degree) can work up to 20 hours per week during term-time or full-time during the holidays.

Students with a Tier 4(General) visa studying a course below undergraduate degree level, are limited to 10 hours per week during term-time or full-time during holidays.

Intenrational Students can also apply to stay in the UK for work one or two years after graduation. Please visit the websites of UK Council for International Affairs ( or UK Border Agency ( for further information.

Job opportunities can be found via Job Centre within institutions, advertisements in newspapers, window display of shops and restaurants, or by referral via friends. Institutions can offer guidance and assistance in CV writing and preparing for job interviews.